Hpv Infektion Symptome

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Warzen Hpv Infektion Symptome Therapie Online Hautarzt Appdoc

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Often hpv infection doesn t cause any noticeable symptoms or health problems.

Hpv infektion symptome. Hpv is a sexually transmitted infection that is spread by direct skin to skin contact with a partner who is infected. The hpv infection and early cervical cancer typically don t cause noticeable symptoms. You may have hpv and not know it. Hpv stands for human papillomavirus.

Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection there is and the main cause of genital warts. Most people with hpv don t have any symptoms or health problems. That makes your genitals the vulva and vagina for women and the penis and scrotum for men are the most common sites for symptoms if any are present. Some types of hpv can cause cancer.

Unfortunately most people who have a high risk type of hpv will never show any signs of the infection until it s already caused serious health problems. Sometimes hpv can cause genital warts. They come in 100 different strains and nearly everyone has them. Men demonstrate specific symptoms once they have the virus.

Getting vaccinated against hpv infection is your best protection from cervical cancer.

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